Friday, August 21, 2020

wonderopolis murder hornet

I was learning about a murder hornet  through wonderopolis. I found it easy to find the meaning of a word for one of the activities. I found it hard to draw a murder hor
I was learning about a murder hornet  through wonderopolis. I found it easy to find the meaning of a word for one of the activities. I found it hard to draw a murder hor
I was learning about a murder hornet  through wonderopolis. I found it easy to find the meaning of a word for one of the activities. I found it hard to draw a murder hornet. Next time I need to make my writing more  recognisable.  

Friday, August 14, 2020

my animal report

I was learning to write a report. We had the choice pick out of a tik tok report or a fortnight report or and animal report I choose a animal report because I would have liked to learn about an animal. I found it easy to find facts. I found it hard to make make my paragraphs long. Next time I will try and find more facts to write about the blue whale.   

Friday, August 7, 2020

Pop art duck

We were learning to make pop art to make an ordinary animal and turn it in to our own.I found it easy to colour in the animal. I found it hard to make the feathers at the back. Next time I will pick a more hard animal so I can push myself.